August 2003: This month the beta version of DBN 4 will
be released. DBN 4 is the 4th (and final re-write) of DBN by Jessica
Rosenkrantz. Stay tuned. |
Recent contribution by Prof. Warren Sack at UC Berkeley to
implement LOGO-style graphics [ info ]. |
Answers to many common questions can be found in the DBN FAQ
From winter of 2002, John Maeda has taken
over development of DBN. Please expect a major revision by the end
of summer of 2003 that is reduced to greater simplicity. |
Casey Reas and Ben Fry have released
an advanced system for learning programming called Processing
which is a production-class environment for creating systems in Java
with color, flexible screen-size, realtime three-dimensional graphics,
and a host of other features. |


Feeback regarding problems/issues
with DBN can be sent to: dbn-feedback (at) media.mit.edu. Lots of
information is available in the FAQ, so check there first to
get answers fastest.
DBN is the product
of many people. Benjamin Fry created DBN 3 and 2. DBN 1.0.1 was created
by Tom White. The original version DBN 1.0 was created by John Maeda.
The courseware system was developed by Casey Reas, and translated to Japanese
by Kazuo Ohno. Other people that have contributed to DBN development are
Peter Cho, Elise Co, Lauren Dubick, Golan Levin, Jocelyn Lin, and Josh
This site was last updated August 2, 2003.